Friday, January 21, 2011

Preparing for Detoxification

The two major causes of un-health are chronic, subclinical allergies and chronic, subclinical inflammation. Let’s look at those terms. Chronic means that it’s with you all the time. The opposite extreme would be an acute reaction. An acute allergic reaction would include a reaction to peanuts or shell fish that closes down your throat, or, less life threatening, the swelling of your eyes and sneezing when exposed to cat hair. These reactions subside when you are removed from the allergen—the substance that induces an allergic reaction. Acute inflammations, of course, are those reactions normally associated with an infection, a bacterial infection around a cut, or the redness of your throat when you have Strep.
Chronic disease, inflammation or allergy, is not, by definition, immediately life threatening. But they do reduce your quality of life and ultimately, shorten the length of life as these reactions are signs that your immune system has been made less effective. Those with chronic conditions are more susceptible to the onset of acute diseases including diseases unrelated to the chronic condition. In short, if you deal with chronic disease effectively, your body will be more protected from those factors that cause acute disease.
Sensitivities and Allergies
It is possible for your body to be sensitive or allergic to almost anything. These conditions can arise at any time in your life. Babies, toddlers, preteens, adolescents, young adults and mature individuals can all develop a new allergy to something they may have been exposed to throughout their lives.
Sensitivities are the immune system’s way of alerting you to an imbalance in your body caused by some substance to which you have been exposed through your food, drink or the air you’ve breathed. You can also be sensitive to substances with which you’ve come into skin contact. Sensitivities manifest as headaches, itching, feeling of tiredness after a meal, bloating and gas, irritability or hyper-behavior, stomach upset or other discomforts. If caused by food, these sensations may be most pronounced immediately after eating.
Allergies are your immune system’s over-reaction to the presence of a substance. It has been found that there are some allergens that are more-allergic than others.
Cat dander produces reactions in more individuals and stronger reactions in those individuals than almost any other allergy causing substance. Among foods, peanuts and corn are just about the most “allergy-causing”—the correct word is allergenic—to be found. For this reason, people who suffer from severe systemic allergies—allergies that effect their entire bodies—such as asthma, are generally advised to avoid being in places with cats, and, should not eat highly allergenic foods, such as peanuts. This is advised—or should be—even if no direct allergic reaction has been observed to cats and peanuts.
Like allergies, inflammation is the result of your immune system responding to some stimulus. Inflammation around the site of an infection is the immune system’s response to bacteria and viruses that have penetrated the skin. Antigens, like allergens, are the substance to which your body responds. The immune system sends a variety of types of cells and proteins to the site of the infections and the potentially disease causing organisms are destroyed and disposed.
Arthritis is an inflammation. Chronic sinus issues are the product of chronic inflammation. Many more of the annoying and debilitating challenges we face are the product of inflammation in the body. These are the things that you have often been told to “just live with.”
Inflammation can be an adjunct to an allergy, or it can be auto-immune, that is, an immune reaction to yourself as opposed to a reaction to an invading bacteria. Such is the case with arthritis.
Yeast, Bacteria and Parasites
These living pests exist everywhere in nature. All animals, including humans, are covered in microscopic organisms. Many are essential to our health. On our skin, they protect us from more harmful, opportunistic organisms that can infect us. In our gut, there are a host of helpful bacteria that digest our food and release nutrients that we need and which we can absorb. Simply stated, they cannot be avoided.
However, through improper nutrition, these pests will begin to multiply to a point that they endanger our health instead of support it. Too much refined sugar in our diet will encourage the growth of yeast until it severely impacts our day-to-day lives. Have you ever just been itchy for no apparent reason? That could very well be the yeast in your system. Yeast and parasites can also cause mood swings and has been implicated as a causative factor in ADD/ADHD.
Bacteria of the wrong kind, along with microscopic parasites, can overwhelm the bowel, causing digestive problems, malaise and some of the issues we discussed earlier.
The Detox phase of the diet won’t eliminate these organisms, but will reduce their affect on your toxic-load.
* * *
You live in a world in which you are barraged with allergens, toxins and micro-organisms at every moment of every day. Your challenged by the fact that you cannot possibly know to which foods and environmental factors you are allergic. There is no way to determine which things you eat stimulate inflammation in your body. Fortunately, some excellent research has been done, so the most offensive substances are known. These are the things that are most commonly found to be causes of dis-ease in individuals who have been subjected to extensive testing.
Where to Begin?
The first step is to remove ALL the highest profile allergens, inflammants and toxins from your environment and diet as best you can. You may not be able to remove them all, but don’t cheat. Remove what you can and certainly don’t add to your toxic-load while trying to detox, that is, don’t get a new cat, even if you already have one or more, until after you’ve detoxified.
You want to prepare your body for detoxification by first removing the new incoming assaults on your organs, cells and immune system. To this end, you should closely adhere to the food restrictions of the list below, and eat only those foods indicated as permissible. This will clean you out and open the channels needed to allow the toxins stored in your body to flow out of your system in phase two.
Remember: The first phase lasts just six days. It is not a list of life-long restrictions. You’ll be back to pizza and ice cream in a less than a month. However, a little precaution now, and some moderation later, will keep you enjoying these foods, on occasion, for decades to come.
You will prepare your body for six days by avoiding foods on the list in Chapter Ten. To guarantee that you are getting sufficient minerals and vitamins, you must also take supplements.


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